Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Visual Messages #1: Resurrection Loon

Hey, check it out! A new column! This column will showcase art that I've done that I feel has an important message to convey (so not just my normal school assignments, haha)

Here's a piece I painted that I called "Resurrection Loon":

Resurrection Loon by *simon38 on deviantART

The above link will take you to my page, so, totally safe.

I made this in my Interaction of Color class as my final. The assignment was to make an original design in the cultural style of a certain people group. I chose the Tlingkit people of the Northwest Coast Native Americans.

In my brainstorming and research, I learned that these groups of Native Americans actually hated loons. They made an eerie sound that made them the object of negative folklore. But, you see, I like loons, so I thought I'd make a flying, elegant-looking loon in response.

At the same time, I definitely wanted to stamp my faith in Jesus on this piece somehow, because it's the most important thing about me. I put an open tomb on his belly, symbolizing our Lord Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Just like people have the wrong idea about loons, people definitely have the wrong idea about Jesus. But that doesn't change the facts. Loons are awesome. And Jesus rose from the dead.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew! This is ridiculously cool! The art and the symbolism and the defense of loons' awesomeness, I mean.
